catholic rosaries and Devotions
inspirational childrens books
Monthly Catholic Devotion
Our Lady of Sorrows
Immaculate Heart of Mary, my Mother, I come to you in childlike prayer. I earnestly desire that all the people of the world may be brought back to the hummost holy Mother, Queen of Sorrows, who followed your beloved Son through all the Way of the Cross, and whose heart was pierced with a fresh sword of grief at all the stations of that most sorrowful journey, obtain for us, we beseech you, O most loving Mother, a perpetual remembrance of our Blessed Saviour’s Cross and Death, and a true and tender devotion to all the mysteries of his most holy Passion. Obtain for us the grace to hate sin, even as he hated it in the agony in the garden; to endure wrong and insult with all patience as he endured them in the judgement hall; to be meek and humble in all our trials as he was before his judges; to love our enemies even as he loved his murderers, and prayed for them upon the Cross; and to glorify God and to do good to our neighbour, even as he did in every mystery of his suffering. O Queen of Martyrs, who by the Dolours of your Immaculate Heart on Calvary, merited to share the Passion of our Most Holy Redeemer, obtain for us some portion of your compassion, that for the love of Jesus crucified, we may be crucified to the world in this life, and in the life to come may, by his infinite merits and your powerful intercession, reign with him in glory everlasting.Amen.ble knowledge and love of the Sacred Heart of your dear Son. I pray, dear Mother of my God, that the wonderful beauty and purity of your own Immaculate Heart may so win our souls that we may detest all sin and dedicate our lives to the honor and glory of the God who created us.
You revealed the secrets of your own sad heart at Fatima and begged for penance, prayer, and conversion of the world to God. What more can I do than unite my heart to yours in this great yearning? What can I add but the fervent prayer that all the world may listen to your pleading?
I give my heart to you, my heavenly Queen, and in confidence I leave to you what is best for me in answer to my prayer for love and reparation.
Immaculate Heart of the Mother of my God, I implore through your powerful intercession, the conversion of the hearts of men, complete victory over sin, and the return of the peace which you have promised. Amen
Book Club
**If possible, I strongly recommend ordering the actual book when praying with icons. A virtual image is beautiful but not the same for meditation.